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how to do gel nails

how to do gel nails

How to Do Gel Nails Without Losing Your Temptation (or Your Manicure in the Process)

So, you’re on your gel nail journey! You’ve probably seen the perfect photos of your nails that shine like mirrors, are as strong as concrete, and have a hold that will last forever. But let’s be honest: if this is your first time trying, it can seem a little… intimidating. Don’t worry! Doing gel nails is a lot like learning to cook a new recipe – it just takes a little practice and the right ingredients. So, let’s get those gloves on (or not), and let’s get started!

The gear you need: the essentials (and nothing more!)

Before we get into the nitty-gritty, let's start by talking about the equipment. Yes, because doing gel nails isn't just about applying a quick coat of polish. Here, we're playing in the big leagues, and that requires a few accessories.

  1. A nail file : It's basic, but essential. The file is your best ally to give a nice shape to your natural nails. Whether you like square, oval or even almond-shaped nails, just file according to your tastes. But be careful, we file with love and patience (otherwise it quickly becomes anything).

  2. An LED or UV lamp : Ah, the famous UV lamp, this slightly futuristic object that will “cook” your gel to solidify it. Without it, your gel will never dry. The good plan? If you invest in a lamp, aim for enough power so as not to wait ages between each step. Basically, we avoid the old lamp that has been lying around on Vinted since 2008.

  3. A base gel, a builder gel, and a top coat : Yes, doing gel nails is not just about applying an all-in-one gel. No, no, there are steps here. The base gel prepares the nail, the builder gel gives thickness and volume, and the top coat finishes off beautifully for shine. Yes, it's a bit like a three-layer cake.

  4. Colors and glitter, if you like : Once you've mastered the technique, you can have fun. You have plenty of choice! You can play with marbled effects, glitter, gradients... let your creativity run wild! But to start, a simple color often does the trick.

Steps to top-notch gel nails

Come on, we're well equipped, let's get started! I promise, it's not that complicated, you just have to follow the steps.

1. Prepare your nails

First, start by cleaning and preparing your nails . No question of leaving any leftover polish or cuticle oil lying around! Remove everything, clean and dry well. Then, file the surface of the nail so that the gel adheres. Be careful not to press too hard, you don't want to end up with cardboard nails. A light stroke of the file is enough.

2. Apply the base gel

First layer: the base gel. There, no mystery, we apply a thin layer on each nail. And then, head for the LED or UV lamp! In a few seconds, the gel hardens, and there you have it, your nails are ready for the next step.

3. Construction gel

Now, let's get down to business with the construction gel . This is what will give this rounded and resistant effect. We apply it in a generous layer, but not too much, to avoid the "caked" look. The technique is to apply a little more gel to the center of the nail to form a nice roundness. And hop, we put it back under the lamp to freeze everything.

If this is your first time, don't panic if it doesn't look like magazine nails yet! With a little practice, it comes quickly.

4. Add your color

Now, let's have a little fun! We apply the color of our choice, a thin layer avoiding the outline of the nail to avoid smudging. Once applied, guess what? We go back under the lamp! Yes, doing gel nails is also a good test of patience. But it's what gives them a solid hold.

5. Top coat for the final touch

Finally, apply the top coat . This is what will give the little mirror effect and protect the color. Once again, put it under the lamp and... tadaa! Gel nails like a pro! Not bad for a first, right?

Maintenance, because yes, there is some.

So, we have beautiful gel nails, but they won't stay impeccable on their own. Maintenance is the key to keeping them beautiful and especially preventing them from peeling off. First thing: we avoid playing superheroes with our nails! Gels, even solid ones, don't like shocks or prolonged baths.

Second thing, a little touch of cuticle oil every day never hurts. Not only does it moisturize, but it also gives your nails a “clean and neat” look.

What to do if it comes off?

Come on, let's not lie to each other, it happens sometimes. If a corner starts to come off, keep calm! The trick? A small drop of nail glue can sometimes do the trick. But if it's more serious, it's better to do a complete touch-up. In general, with a little experience, you can avoid this kind of inconvenience.

And for an even faster solution…

If, despite everything, the idea of ​​spending time doing your own gel nails gives you cold sweats, don't panic! If you are looking for an express solution for impeccable nails, without any hassle, discover our false gel nails . They are designed to be applied in the blink of an eye, you just have to stick them on, and presto, perfect nails in a few minutes!

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